Goddesses in the Dust: The 5th World Conference on Women & Half the Sky

An archaeologist unearths the Divine Feminine, one archetype at a time...

One of my oldest and dearest friends emailed me, asking me if I would be willing to post information about the United Nations 5th World Conference on Women on my blog. When I clicked on the website she sent me, I saw the following video, featuring one of my favorite authors, Jean Shinoda Bolen.

I hope you will take a moment to listen to Dr. Bolen's words and consider supporting the 5WCW. As Dr. Bolen states, this movement speaks directly to the long suppressed and sorely needed feminine input to our world today. We are severely imbalanced in our planet today with so much emphasis on war, greed and countless acts of aggression towards women and humanity in general. It is time for women and men who support a new approach to how we govern ourselves to gather and discuss alternative ways of dealing with our world's problems. The 5WCW is a platform to brainstorm:

not destructive but constructive 

not confrontation but relational 

not exclusive but inclusive 

communally-minded and compassionate paradigms for our planet's future.

The last World Conference on Women was held 17 years ago, in Beijing, China, and we are long overdue for the next one. I have made a pledge to support the 5WCW. I hope you will join me in clicking on the 5WCW website, sign a petition encouraging the General Assembly of the United Nations to pass a resolution needed to hold the next World Conference on Women. Our future depends on it. And if you need more evidence for this, you need go no further than this trailer to see what a group called Half the Sky is doing to empower women around the globe:

(Thank you Kristi♡)

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