welcome to where?

this is the name of a town in slovenia. i kid you not. 

i saw a lot of road signs last fall when i traveled to slovenia

when i was visiting my cousins

like this one welcoming visitors to my family's town

or this one warning drivers to beware of bears and wolves near tunnels (actually this was in croatia but who's counting...)

but somehow i managed to miss fuckovci! 

when one of my u.s. cousins went to visit our slovene family this spring he happened upon it while driving through the countryside and snapped the foto.

fuckovci has its own facebook page, as well as an official information site

which would be fascinating reading.... 

except for the fact it's written in slovene.

so now if you're mad at someone and want to tell them to go somewhere (but don't want to use a bad word) 

just tell them to go to fuckovci!!


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