to dig or not to dig?

with two kids graduating this spring i wasn't planning on heading to Greece and wearing my archaeology hat this season......(or rather my beat up, battered lug soled shoes, khaki pants and oxford shirt.) but here's the story: a certain magazine is interested in an article i pitched them about the dig i work on, which is located in southwestern greece. that's the good news........

but the other good news is that our dig just got funded by a certain other magazine who also has a tv network.  understandably they don't want other publications scooping them.

so everything is on hold, and i am waiting. after a flurry of back and forth it all comes down to who can publish what and when. by the time this gets figured out, the price for a plane ticket will have blown through the ozone - OR - the dig season will be over.

so the lug soled shoes wait where they do in the off-season, taking on a coat of dust in the closet, instead of getting the fresh patina of greek dirt they are used to.

the one good thing is that archaeological digs, sort of like glaciers, move v....e.....r.....y  slowly. so the story, like the dig, has a longer shelf life than fingers crossed, maybe this will work out for next season!

after all, this stuff has been in the earth for 3200 years, so what's another year..............or two?


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