i love the smell of jetfuel in the morning
Pulled the passport out of the drawer, got the international driver's license
Every time I travel overseas I try to see how little I can take - must be a result of my convent school days and wearing a uniform. I've got it down to a bit of a science - for in between seasons, where we are heading, I love my boots (they've already trekked across Argentina, Uruguay, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Greece...)
but they've got a little more road in them.
Naturalizer is not a brand I normally buy, but these babies feel like slippers. Really.
Then there's the issue of a coat. The past few trips I've taken a $15 microfleece zip from Old Navy and a good rain parka that squeezes into a ball to pack. Upgraded this trip to a coat from Travelsmith - will be test driving this to see how it works.
Suitcase - compact, keeps me to my convent girl minimalist best.
Love it because this zips off and becomes a purse at my destination (big enough to hold my camera)
Throw in what else?
LBD from Old Navy (you heard it right - Old Navy. Where I get my jeans, tank tops and swimsuits.)
Love this circle scarf from my daughter (it's supposed to convert into a skirt/top/dress but haven't experimented with it yet...)
and a favorite skirt I 'borrowed' from her (thanks sweetie - you can borrow it back on the road :)
Cords. Lots of cords...(how did we get to be so electronics dependent when traveling??)
A new Moleskin
To replace the previous, well-worn one
Carry on backpack from North Face - holds my laptop, camera, book, iPod, comfy socks for plane...
A good read.
And plastic bags to hold stuff (including my bracelets, which have set off metal detectors and detained me in security countless times)
My brother calls my blog Travels with Purse and Phone.
He's right - but in this case, travels with two phones - one domestic and one GSM...
More to follow...